How Different Geographical Areas React to Covid19 Shock : Regional Resilience and Structural Transformation
In the last 10 years, Covid19 has emerged as an important recent shock that has had an effect on the global
economy. Regional resilience may have an effect on how different regions are affected. This study intends to
look at how regional resilience is affected by structural change both before and after Covid19. We identify two
different situations (prior to and during the Covid19 shock) that affect whether structural reform increases
regional resilience. The findings show that Covid19 has a number of negative effects on regional resilience.
Additionally, raising a sector's productivity has a significant positive effect on resilience under typical conditions
(prior to Covid19). A sector's increased productivity and contemporaneous workforce transfer to other sectors
with higher productivity during the COVID19 shock, however, have a significant beneficial effect on regional
resilience. Therefore, when the circumstance is stable, productivity becomes more crucial. However, amid a
shock, the industry and its employees' flexibility and agility are more crucial.
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