Preliminary Analysis of Life Cycle Assessment on Single-Use Plastic Cutlery Set Substitutes in the Catering Industry
Single Use Cutlery plastic is an item easily obtained from food catering packages, such as tableware and cutlery sets from the catering industry and is very harmful to the environment. Therefore, this study conducted a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) analysis to identify the key factors influencing the replacement of single-use cutlery sets within the catering industry. Data collected from the catering industry in Surabaya were processed using SEM PLS modeling. The results showed that the factors Goal and Scope Definition, Life Cycle Inventory, Impact Assessment, and Result Interpretation impact the Life Cycle Assessment of the Catering Industry in Surabaya City as evidenced by all p-values of the inner model being less than 0.05.
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Blanca-Alcubilla, G., Bala, A., de Castro, N., Colomé, R., & Fullana-i-Palmer, P. (2020). Is the reusable tableware the best option? Analysis of the aviation catering sector with a life cycle approach. Science of the Total Environment, 708.
Blanca-Alcubilla, G., Bala, A., Hermira, J. I., De-Castro, N., Chavarri, R., Perales, R., Barredo, I., & Fullana-I-palmer, P. (2018). Tackling international airline catering waste management: Life zero cabin waste project. state of the art and first steps. Detritus, 3(September), 159–166.
Blettler, M. C. M., Abrial, E., Khan, F. R., Sivri, N., & Espinola, L. A. (2018). Freshwater plastic pollution: Recognizing research biases and identifying knowledge gaps. In Water Research (Vol. 143, pp. 416–424). Elsevier Ltd.
Chae, Y., & An, Y. J. (2018a). Current research trends on plastic pollution and ecological impacts on the soil ecosystem: A review. In Environmental Pollution (Vol. 240, pp. 387–395). Elsevier Ltd.
Chae, Y., & An, Y. J. (2018b). Current research trends on plastic pollution and ecological impacts on the soil ecosystem: A review. In Environmental Pollution (Vol. 240, pp. 387–395). Elsevier Ltd.
Chen, Y., Awasthi, A. K., Wei, F., Tan, Q., & Li, J. (2021). Single-use plastics: Production, usage, disposal, and adverse impacts. In Science of the Total Environment (Vol. 752). Elsevier B.V.
Chiellini, E., & Corti, A. (2016). Oxo-biodegradable Plastics: Who They Are and to What They Serve—Present Status and Future Perspectives (pp. 341–354).
Di, J., Reck, B. K., Miatto, A., & Graedel, T. E. (2021). United States plastics: Large flows, short lifetimes, and negligible recycling. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 167.
Dijkstra, T. K., & Henseler, J. (2015). Consistent Partial Least Squares Path Modeling. Management Information Systems Research Center, University of Minnesota, 39(2), 297–316.
Fahmi, M. A. (2022a). Analysis of Green Purchase Intention in Coffee Shops and Restaurants: An Empirical Analysis. In Management, and Industry (JEMI) (Vol. 05, Issue 04).
Fahmi, M. A. (2022b). Analysis of Sustainable Business Performance in Staple Food Traders in West Java Province: An Empirical Analysis. In Management, and Industry (JEMI) (Vol. 05, Issue 03).
Fahmi, M. A. (2022c). Analysis of Sustainable Business Performance in Staple Food Traders in West Java Province: An Empirical Analysis. In Management, and Industry (JEMI) (Vol. 05, Issue 03).
Fahmi, M. A., Ana Khalisa, Dwi Novanda Sari, & Zidny Ilma Hassan. (2022). Analysis of entrepreneurial implementation intention on vocational education student at Universitas Padjadjaran: An Empirical Analysis. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 11(9), 313–327.
Fahmi, M. A., Ciptomulyono, U., & Rahardjo, J. (2021). Analysis of ERP Implementation in Perum BULOG with Extended TAM 3 Approach.
Fahmi, M. A., Kostini, N., & Sunaryo Putra, W. B. T. (2022). Exploring hybrid learning readiness and acceptance model using the extended TAM 3 and TPB approach: An empirical analysis. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 11(8), 321–334.
Fahmi, M. A., Novel, N. J. A., & Putra, W. B. T. S. (2022). The impact of vocational perception on entrepreneurial intention. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 11(8), 276–289.
Fahmi, M. A., Nurfauzia, F., Yulita, K., & Nurfitriani, W. (2023). The role of green procurement, green supply chain management, green marketing strategy, and customers’ environmental attitudes on green purchase intentions of plastic bag substitutes: a structural equation model on modern retail. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 12(4), 66–77.
Fieschi, M., & Pretato, U. (2018). Role of compostable tableware in food service and waste management. A life cycle assessment study. Waste Management, 73, 14–25.
Garson, G. D. (2016). Partial least squares. Regression and structural equation models.
Ghozali, I., & Latan, H. (2015). Partial least squares konsep, teknik dan aplikasi menggunakan program smartpls 3.0 untuk penelitian empiris.
Hair, J., & Alamer, A. (2022). Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) in second language and education research_ Guidelines using an applied example _ Elsevier Enhanced Reader.
Hair, J. F. J., Hult, G. T. M., Ringle, C., & Sarstedt, M. (2017). A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Long Range Planning. .
Hair, J. F., Sarstedt, M., Hopkins, L., & Kuppelwieser, V. G. (2014). Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM): An emerging tool in business research. In European Business Review (Vol. 26, Issue 2, pp. 106–121). Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
Hair Jr, J. F., Hult, G. T. M., Ringle, C. M., Sarstedt, M., Danks, N. P., & Ray, S. (2021). Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) using R: A workbook.
Iñiguez, M. E., Conesa, J. A., & Fullana, A. (2018). Recyclability of four types of plastics exposed to UV irradiation in a marine environment. Waste Management, 79, 339–345.
Jandas, P. J., Prabakaran, K., Mohanty, S., & Nayak, S. K. (2019). Evaluation of biodegradability of disposable product prepared from poly (lactic acid) under accelerated conditions. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 164, 46–54.
Kwon, B. G., Chung, S. Y., Park, S. S., & Saido, K. (2018). Qualitative assessment to determine internal and external factors influencing the origin of styrene oligomers pollution by polystyrene plastic in coastal marine environments. Environmental Pollution, 234, 167–173.
Liu, K., Tan, Q., Yu, J., & Wang, M. (2023). A global perspective on e-waste recycling. Circular Economy, 2(1), 100028.
Markowicz, F., & Szymańska-Pulikowska, A. (2019). Analysis of the possibility of environmental pollution by composted biodegradable and oxobiodegradable plastics. Geosciences (Switzerland), 9(11).
Meijer, L. J., van Emmerik, T., van der Ent, R., Schmidt, C., & Lebreton, L. (2021). More than 1000 rivers account for 80% of global riverine plastic emissions into the ocean. Science Advances, 7(18).
Monteiro, R. C. P., Ivar do Sul, J. A., & Costa, M. F. (2018). Plastic pollution in islands of the Atlantic Ocean. In Environmental Pollution (Vol. 238, pp. 103–110). Elsevier Ltd.
Moshood, T. D., Nawanir, G., Mahmud, F., Mohamad, F., Ahmad, M. H., & AbdulGhani, A. (2022). Biodegradable plastic applications towards sustainability: A recent innovations in the green product. In Cleaner Engineering and Technology (Vol. 6). Elsevier Ltd.
Moshood, T. D., Nawanir, G., Mahmud, F., Mohamad, F., Ahmad, M. H., AbdulGhani, A., & Kumar, S. (2022). Green product innovation: A means towards achieving global sustainable product within biodegradable plastic industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 363.
Novanda Sari, D., & Ainul Fahmi, M. (2022). The Impact of LINKS (Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems) on Human Resources Innovation Capability Strategy and Business Performance of Food and Beverage MSMEs. In Management, and Industry (JEMI) (Vol. 05, Issue 04).
OECD ENV-Linkages model. (2019). The methodology to derive secondary plastic volumes is explained in the Annex to the OECD Global Plastics Outlook. Https://Stats.Oecd.Org/Viewhtml.Aspx?Datasetcode=PLASTIC_USE_V2_3&lang=en#.
Potocka, M., Bayer, R. C., & Potocki, M. (2019). Plastic pollution affects American lobsters, Homarus americanus. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 138, 545–548.
Razza, F., Fieschi, M., Innocenti, F. D., & Bastioli, C. (2009). Compostable cutlery and waste management: An LCA approach. Waste Management, 29(4), 1424–1433.
Sun, Q., Yi, A. L., & Ni, H. G. (2021). Evaluating scenarios for carbon reduction using different tableware in China. Science of the Total Environment, 791.
Tan, W., Cui, D., & Xi, B. (2021). Moving policy and regulation forward for single-use plastic alternatives. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 15(3).
Wei, F., Tan, Q., Dong, K., & Li, J. (2022). Revealing the feasibility and environmental benefits of replacing disposable plastic tableware in aviation catering: An AHP-LCA integrated study. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 187.
Zhao, Y. B., Lv, X. D., & Ni, H. G. (2018). Solvent-based separation and recycling of waste plastics: A review. In Chemosphere (Vol. 209, pp. 707–720). Elsevier Ltd.
Blanca-Alcubilla, G., Bala, A., Hermira, J. I., De-Castro, N., Chavarri, R., Perales, R., Barredo, I., & Fullana-I-palmer, P. (2018). Tackling international airline catering waste management: Life zero cabin waste project. state of the art and first steps. Detritus, 3(September), 159–166.
Blettler, M. C. M., Abrial, E., Khan, F. R., Sivri, N., & Espinola, L. A. (2018). Freshwater plastic pollution: Recognizing research biases and identifying knowledge gaps. In Water Research (Vol. 143, pp. 416–424). Elsevier Ltd.
Chae, Y., & An, Y. J. (2018a). Current research trends on plastic pollution and ecological impacts on the soil ecosystem: A review. In Environmental Pollution (Vol. 240, pp. 387–395). Elsevier Ltd.
Chae, Y., & An, Y. J. (2018b). Current research trends on plastic pollution and ecological impacts on the soil ecosystem: A review. In Environmental Pollution (Vol. 240, pp. 387–395). Elsevier Ltd.
Chen, Y., Awasthi, A. K., Wei, F., Tan, Q., & Li, J. (2021). Single-use plastics: Production, usage, disposal, and adverse impacts. In Science of the Total Environment (Vol. 752). Elsevier B.V.
Chiellini, E., & Corti, A. (2016). Oxo-biodegradable Plastics: Who They Are and to What They Serve—Present Status and Future Perspectives (pp. 341–354).
Di, J., Reck, B. K., Miatto, A., & Graedel, T. E. (2021). United States plastics: Large flows, short lifetimes, and negligible recycling. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 167.
Dijkstra, T. K., & Henseler, J. (2015). Consistent Partial Least Squares Path Modeling. Management Information Systems Research Center, University of Minnesota, 39(2), 297–316.
Fahmi, M. A. (2022a). Analysis of Green Purchase Intention in Coffee Shops and Restaurants: An Empirical Analysis. In Management, and Industry (JEMI) (Vol. 05, Issue 04).
Fahmi, M. A. (2022b). Analysis of Sustainable Business Performance in Staple Food Traders in West Java Province: An Empirical Analysis. In Management, and Industry (JEMI) (Vol. 05, Issue 03).
Fahmi, M. A. (2022c). Analysis of Sustainable Business Performance in Staple Food Traders in West Java Province: An Empirical Analysis. In Management, and Industry (JEMI) (Vol. 05, Issue 03).
Fahmi, M. A., Ana Khalisa, Dwi Novanda Sari, & Zidny Ilma Hassan. (2022). Analysis of entrepreneurial implementation intention on vocational education student at Universitas Padjadjaran: An Empirical Analysis. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 11(9), 313–327.
Fahmi, M. A., Ciptomulyono, U., & Rahardjo, J. (2021). Analysis of ERP Implementation in Perum BULOG with Extended TAM 3 Approach.
Fahmi, M. A., Kostini, N., & Sunaryo Putra, W. B. T. (2022). Exploring hybrid learning readiness and acceptance model using the extended TAM 3 and TPB approach: An empirical analysis. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 11(8), 321–334.
Fahmi, M. A., Novel, N. J. A., & Putra, W. B. T. S. (2022). The impact of vocational perception on entrepreneurial intention. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 11(8), 276–289.
Fahmi, M. A., Nurfauzia, F., Yulita, K., & Nurfitriani, W. (2023). The role of green procurement, green supply chain management, green marketing strategy, and customers’ environmental attitudes on green purchase intentions of plastic bag substitutes: a structural equation model on modern retail. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 12(4), 66–77.
Fieschi, M., & Pretato, U. (2018). Role of compostable tableware in food service and waste management. A life cycle assessment study. Waste Management, 73, 14–25.
Garson, G. D. (2016). Partial least squares. Regression and structural equation models.
Ghozali, I., & Latan, H. (2015). Partial least squares konsep, teknik dan aplikasi menggunakan program smartpls 3.0 untuk penelitian empiris.
Hair, J., & Alamer, A. (2022). Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) in second language and education research_ Guidelines using an applied example _ Elsevier Enhanced Reader.
Hair, J. F. J., Hult, G. T. M., Ringle, C., & Sarstedt, M. (2017). A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Long Range Planning. .
Hair, J. F., Sarstedt, M., Hopkins, L., & Kuppelwieser, V. G. (2014). Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM): An emerging tool in business research. In European Business Review (Vol. 26, Issue 2, pp. 106–121). Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
Hair Jr, J. F., Hult, G. T. M., Ringle, C. M., Sarstedt, M., Danks, N. P., & Ray, S. (2021). Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) using R: A workbook.
Iñiguez, M. E., Conesa, J. A., & Fullana, A. (2018). Recyclability of four types of plastics exposed to UV irradiation in a marine environment. Waste Management, 79, 339–345.
Jandas, P. J., Prabakaran, K., Mohanty, S., & Nayak, S. K. (2019). Evaluation of biodegradability of disposable product prepared from poly (lactic acid) under accelerated conditions. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 164, 46–54.
Kwon, B. G., Chung, S. Y., Park, S. S., & Saido, K. (2018). Qualitative assessment to determine internal and external factors influencing the origin of styrene oligomers pollution by polystyrene plastic in coastal marine environments. Environmental Pollution, 234, 167–173.
Liu, K., Tan, Q., Yu, J., & Wang, M. (2023). A global perspective on e-waste recycling. Circular Economy, 2(1), 100028.
Markowicz, F., & Szymańska-Pulikowska, A. (2019). Analysis of the possibility of environmental pollution by composted biodegradable and oxobiodegradable plastics. Geosciences (Switzerland), 9(11).
Meijer, L. J., van Emmerik, T., van der Ent, R., Schmidt, C., & Lebreton, L. (2021). More than 1000 rivers account for 80% of global riverine plastic emissions into the ocean. Science Advances, 7(18).
Monteiro, R. C. P., Ivar do Sul, J. A., & Costa, M. F. (2018). Plastic pollution in islands of the Atlantic Ocean. In Environmental Pollution (Vol. 238, pp. 103–110). Elsevier Ltd.
Moshood, T. D., Nawanir, G., Mahmud, F., Mohamad, F., Ahmad, M. H., & AbdulGhani, A. (2022). Biodegradable plastic applications towards sustainability: A recent innovations in the green product. In Cleaner Engineering and Technology (Vol. 6). Elsevier Ltd.
Moshood, T. D., Nawanir, G., Mahmud, F., Mohamad, F., Ahmad, M. H., AbdulGhani, A., & Kumar, S. (2022). Green product innovation: A means towards achieving global sustainable product within biodegradable plastic industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 363.
Novanda Sari, D., & Ainul Fahmi, M. (2022). The Impact of LINKS (Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems) on Human Resources Innovation Capability Strategy and Business Performance of Food and Beverage MSMEs. In Management, and Industry (JEMI) (Vol. 05, Issue 04).
OECD ENV-Linkages model. (2019). The methodology to derive secondary plastic volumes is explained in the Annex to the OECD Global Plastics Outlook. Https://Stats.Oecd.Org/Viewhtml.Aspx?Datasetcode=PLASTIC_USE_V2_3&lang=en#.
Potocka, M., Bayer, R. C., & Potocki, M. (2019). Plastic pollution affects American lobsters, Homarus americanus. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 138, 545–548.
Razza, F., Fieschi, M., Innocenti, F. D., & Bastioli, C. (2009). Compostable cutlery and waste management: An LCA approach. Waste Management, 29(4), 1424–1433.
Sun, Q., Yi, A. L., & Ni, H. G. (2021). Evaluating scenarios for carbon reduction using different tableware in China. Science of the Total Environment, 791.
Tan, W., Cui, D., & Xi, B. (2021). Moving policy and regulation forward for single-use plastic alternatives. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 15(3).
Wei, F., Tan, Q., Dong, K., & Li, J. (2022). Revealing the feasibility and environmental benefits of replacing disposable plastic tableware in aviation catering: An AHP-LCA integrated study. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 187.
Zhao, Y. B., Lv, X. D., & Ni, H. G. (2018). Solvent-based separation and recycling of waste plastics: A review. In Chemosphere (Vol. 209, pp. 707–720). Elsevier Ltd.
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