How to Know if Land Management is Responsible? Evaluating the 8R Framework of Responsible Land Management
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de Vries, W. T., Bugri, J., & Mandhu, F. (2020). Advancing Responsible and Smart Land Management. In W. T. de Vries, J. Bugri, & F. Mandhu (Eds.), Responsible and Smart Land Management Interventions. An African context. (pp. 279-286). CRC Press.
de Vries, W. T., & Chigbu, U. E. (2017). Responsible land management - Concept and application in a territorial rural context. fub. Flächenmanagement und Bodenordnung, 79(2 - April), 65-73.
de Vries, W. T., & Rudiarto, I. (2023). Testing and Enhancing the 8R Framework of Responsible Land Management with Documented Strategies and Effects of Land Reclamation Projects in Indonesia. Land, 12(1), 208.
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