Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practices towards Gender Equality in Achieving SDG5
This research was conducted to determine the awareness level of the students’ at the University
of Malaya (UM) towards gender equality in achieving SDG5. A set of survey questionnaire established on
Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices (KAP) was distributed through an online Google survey form to all
UM students’, and 123 responses were collected to evaluate the awareness level (95% confidence
interval with ± 5% margin of error). Data analysis was conducted through SPSS software. The results
revealed that the respondents have a higher knowledge level with lower attitude and practices levels.
Spearman’s Rho coefficient correlation was used to evaluate the relationship level within variables
(between knowledge and practices and attitude and practices). The results reported a weak positive
correlation within knowledge and practice levels (r= .275, N= 123, p=
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